
The course SETA offered was very informative and educational.

It inspired me to be on the lookout for new ideas and to improve ways to make life easier.

To find solutions for basic problems in life at work, home & community.

Not to be satisfied with what I see but to enquire why and how it came to past.

To become a good listener and not just to hear but to listen and react and find a solution to a problem.

To address problems in a professional manner to improve relationships between colleages at work & community.

To promote work in such a manner to work smart and not hard.

To do research in such a manner to avoid unnecessary bottleneck situations and if it occur that it be sorted out in a short period of time.

Last but not least to never let go of my dream and goal in life and to love life and enjoy living while learning as much as I can to achieve my goals in life.

Thank you once again Corina and Uncle Steve.

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